May - Pediatric Ophthalmology
January - Cornea Refractive Surgeries - Dr.Kavita Rao
February - Glaucoma Surgical management in glaucoma - Dr. Anupam Deshpande
March - Pediatric Opthalmology Various syndromes in squint
June - Oculoplasty Tumours in Eye - Dr. Kruti Mody
July Retina SB Versus Vitrectomy - Dr. Rohit Mody
August Neuro - Opthalmology MRI/CT in Ophthalmology - Dr. Arjun Ahuja
September - Uvea Pars Planitis and Investigations in Uveitis - Dr. Hitesh Sharma
October - Cornea Latest Advances in Keratoplasty - Dr. Nikhil Gokhale
November - Pediatric Opthalmology Surgical Procedures in Strabismus - Dr. Neepa Thacker
December - Glaucoma Glaucoma Drainage Devices - Dr. Anupam Deshpande
January - Retina Retinopathy of prematurity - Dr. Preetam Samant
February - Glaucoma Imaging in glaucoma - Dr.Sachin Dharwadkar
March - Retina Oct Angiography/Diagnostics - Dr.Deepak bhatt
April - Retina Vascular occlusions - Dr.Rohit Mody
May - Neuro Opthalmology Optic Neuritis and interesting cases - Dr. Hemalini Samant
June - Cornea Recent Advances in keratoconus - Dr. Kavita Rao
July - Neuro Opthalmology Visual field changes and lesions in visual pathway -Dr. Arjun Ahuja
August - Cornea Updates in microbial keratitis - Dr. Nikhil Gokhale
September - Oculoplasty Evaluation of proptosis - Dr. Akshay Nair
October - Cornea Overview on lamellar keratoplasty - Dr. Kavita Rao
November - Pediatric Opthalmology Evaluation of visual acuity and refractive errors - Dr. Neepa Thacker
December - Neuro Opthalmology Evaluation of child with leukocoria - Dr. Hemalata Vidyashankar
January - Retina Diagnosis/Management of Diabetic Retinopathy - Dr.Samyak Mulkutkar
February - Glaucoma Visual fields - Dr.Nitesh Agarwal
March - Oculoplasty Entropion and Ectropion - Dr.Kruti Mody
April - Oculoplasty Evaluation/Management of ptosis - Dr.Akshay Nair
May - RetinaAge related macular degeneration - Dr.Aniruddh mahindrikar
June - RetinaMacular hole - video talk by Dr.S.N.Natarajan
August - Retina Retinopathy of prematurity - Dr.Preetam samant
September - Neuro Opthalmology Optic disc edema - Dr. Vimal Fudnawala
October - Cornea New and old in corneal topography - Dr. Nikhil Gokhale
November - Pediatric Opthalmology Evaluation of nystagmus - Dr. Mihir Kothari
December - Oculoplasty Lacrimal Gland Disorders - Dr. Rupali Sinha